Stem Cell Treatment For Diabetes in India

Regenerative medicine offers promising new approaches to treating diabetes like Stem cell therapy in India for diabetes. Specifically, stem cells treatment can help regenerate insulin-producing pancreatic tissue and restore normal blood glucose levels.

In a clinical trial, patients with type 1 diabetes who received autologous hematopoietic stem cells (the same kind found in cord blood) experienced improved glucose control and reduced dependence on insulin for several years.


Researchers are experimenting with using stem cells to help cure type 1 diabetes. Their goal is to train the body’s immune system to stop attacking its own insulin-producing cells. To do so, they will take the patient’s own immune system cells and expand them in the lab to make them more powerful. They will then inject the new cells back into the patient’s body.

Stem cells are a type of cell that can become any other type of cell in the body. They are the mother cells that give rise to all other specialized cells in the body, including insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. They also have the potential to reverse the autoimmune damage that causes type 1 diabetes.

Several approaches are being explored to turn stem cells into functional pancreatic islets for treating T1DM. Most studies rely on pluripotent stem cells extracted from an embryo or adult cells that have been induced to become pluripotent. However, clinical trials based on these methods have been slow to progress.


Human beings obtain energy by converting glucose in the bloodstream into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Diabetes prevents the body from producing insulin or responding to insulin, which allows sugar to accumulate in the bloodstream. Over time, high blood glucose levels can damage major organs and lead to various health complications.

For example, diabetic retinopathy causes the small blood vessels in the retina of the eye to break and leak fluid, which can blur or distort vision. This may also cause the formation of a scar or membrane on top of the retina called an epiretinal membrane.

In the past, the only treatment option was a b-cell transplant that requires 2-3 healthy donors and comes with a regimen of immunosuppressive drugs to prevent your body from rejecting the donor cells. However, mesenchymal stem cells have shown promising results in managing diabetes and its associated complications.

Nervous System

The nervous system consists of bundles of fibers known as nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to muscles, sensory receptors, and other organs. It controls body processes such as blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing without the need for conscious effort.

Scientists have discovered stem cells that can regenerate and coax a diabetic pancreas to produce insulin. This Stem cell therapy in India for diabetes is a significant step toward a permanent cure for the disease. Diabetes results from the loss of a type of pancreatic cell called beta cells that make insulin, a hormone that lowers blood sugar. Diabetics must take insulin injections every day to control their blood glucose.

Mesenchymal stem cells are a better option for reversing Type 1 diabetes because they have a better safety profile in the human body and less risk of tumorigenicity compared to induced pluripotent or hematopoietic stem cells. They also have the ability to modulate the immune system and promote regeneration in diabetic patients.


Diabetes is caused by the destruction of ‘beta’ cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Scientists all over the world are working to find a cell therapy that can coax these destroyed cells back into producing insulin.

Currently, scientists are testing stem cells to replace the damaged beta cells and allow the body to produce its own insulin again. To do this, they’re trying to generate more mature and functional beta cells from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). This approach may eventually lead to a cure for diabetes.

Researchers are also exploring other approaches that might improve the effectiveness of the cell replacement therapy. For example, they’re developing encapsulation devices to protect the implanted hPSC-derived beta cells from the patient’s immune system. One company, medtravellers – Stem Cell Treatment For Diabetes in India, is currently deploying two devices in clinical trials: PEC-Encap and PEC-Direct. The first device encapsulates the hPSC-derived cells completely, while the second allows blood vessels to penetrate and directly interact with the implanted cells.

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